Our product is essentially defined by our performance. We judge our success by return on investment (ROI) and aim to achieve at least 10% ROI in the medium to long term across all of our recommendations. We are realistic, and ask that you are too. We don’t expect to make a profit in every tournament; in fact the nature of golf betting is that we may well have more losing weeks than winning ones.
One of our four key commitments to our subscribers is transparency. Plenty of tipsters will highlight their successes but provide little, if any, meaningful data to track performance in the long run. Form Golfer is different. Every week, win or lose, we will publish a short review summarising the total stakes, profit/loss and ROI from following all of our recommendations in the last tournament.
We will also provide on this page details of cumulative ROI across the different types of bet we recommend (Each Way, Outright Win), updated every week, in order that you can make informed judgements about which of our recommendations to follow.
Summary performance since inception